We had a great week in social group and lunch bunch!  In social group, we discussed self-control using bubbles.  For more information about this activity, please click on the Resources tab and scroll down to Self-Control Bubbles.  The kids responded really well to the concept and hopefully were able to tell you about it!  

In Lunch Bunch, we completed an activity, "Awesome Adjectives That Describe Me".  The students chose 3-4 adjectives to describe themselves and illustrated a self portrait.  If you get a chance to check them out, they are on display in C pod.  

The students are doing a great job of bringing their SCORES folders to social group.  Almost all students have had their homework page signed by parents, so thank you for the support with that!  I want the students to be responsible for their folder as well as accountable for their social skill learning.  

Please let me know if you need anything!  

Have a great week!

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