We have been busy in SCORES!  Last week, we continued our Superflex studies.  In social group, we played Superflex Headbands.  The kids had a lot of fun playing this game while showing how much Superflex knowledge they have obtained!  Click here and scroll down to Superflex Headbands to learn more about our activity.

In Lunch Bunch, we read Superflex Takes on Rock Brain and the Team of Unthinkables.  This is a great story to read to learn more about this curriculum.  

My student teacher, Ms. Bankhead, has been gaining more and more responsibility as the year progresses.  She is very close to being in her "total teach", where she is responsible for my entire schedule.  She and I are working very closely to plan lessons and activities to target social skills, math, writing and sensory needs.  She is doing a fabulous job and I feel so thankful to have her on the SCORES team this year!  If you have any questions for her, feel free to email at [email protected].  Be on the lookout for blog posts from her coming soon!  

I hope everyone has a great week!  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!  -Angela Cardenas
8/31/2013 04:54:51 pm

Great site, did I read this right that its free from Weebly?


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